LAG-O Bądź z nami bezpieczny.
Dbaj z nami o środowisko naturalne.
LAG-O nie zawiera szkodliwych substancji chemicznych ani alkoholu.
Jest antyalergiczne i posiada atest PZH.
Likwiduje Ponad 99% Bakterii I Grzybów
Antibacterial colloid of metallic silver. Eliminates over 99% of bacteria and fungi.
Allergy friendly. Does not contain harmful chemicals.
Tested in accredited laboratories
Certificate of National Hygiene Institution of Poland
LAG-O REGULAR is a product with silver particles, it works on any surface.
For use on:
-toilet boards
-car dashboard
-cosmetic devices and apparatus
-in toilets
-in refrigerators
-in cabinets
Ideal for use:
-in the house
-at work
-in public areas
Wherever you and your loved ones are; You as a student, employee, entrepreneur, patient.
Your child as a preschooler, student, guest in the playroom.
The product exhibits its disinfecting properties for as long as the nested silver particles remain in the substrate, as deep as the sprayed solution reaches.
How to use:
Spray the surface from a distance of about 20 cm. The surface does not require rinsing with water, dries quickly, leaving no streaks.
Composition of the product:
water, silver (Ag), surfactants < 5 %
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